New posts in text-processing

Show only right side of --side-by-side diff

How do I search for lines in a file that only contain ASCII characters and then act on them?

Print only one line at a time from text file

How do I compare two files containing several md5 checksums to determine changed files?

How can I grep a text piece from a 1 line text file with delimiters

What is the sed comand to fix this file so last value on each line is double quoted

Is it possible to parse only "version":"8.9" from json file

Adding variable text to text file by line

tweak of two files

Filter output and set variable

Sorting based on text file

How can I extract records with a column in common?

awk if find pattern skip n lines

How to cat file with limit of printed characters from each line?

How to grep words from a single string matching a pattern?

Search and Replace from terminal, but with confirmation

How to remove one line from repository with sed

Extracting a specific string after a given string from HTML file using a bash script

Showing text file content right-to-left in the terminal

How to remove lines with a number less than 60 in column 3?