New posts in combinatorial-geometry

What is the exact value of the radius in the Six Disks Problem?

Choose $3n$ points on a circle, show that there are two diametrically opposite point

Maximum odd number of subsets, each intersects exactly half of the others

A collection of smooth manifolds with intersection property

n-simplex in an intersection of n balls

If any triangle has area at most 1 , points can be covered by a rectangle of area 2.

How many combinatorially distinct ways are there to tile an equilateral triangle with $k$ $60^\circ-120^\circ$ trapezoids?

Two cubes in unit cube

Hypercube and Hyperspheres

A largest subset of a cubic lattice with unique distances between its points

5 moving points in plane, one goes to infinity

Size of connected regions on a randomly-colored infinite chessboard

Obscuring squares of Rubik's cube

Combinatorial Geometric proof of $\binom{\binom{n}{2}}{3} > \binom{\binom{n}{3}}{2}$

How many unit squares can overlap a given unit square without overlapping each other?

Tiling the plane with consecutive squares

Shooting Game for Fun

Circle enclosing all but one of $n$ points

How many different shapes can I make with this toy?

Given an $n\times n\times n$ cube, what is the largest number of $1\times 1\times 1$ blocks that a plane can cut through?