A largest subset of a cubic lattice with unique distances between its points

Solution 1:

For each $r \in [1, \ldots, 3 n^2]$ let $E_r$ be the set of unordered pairs $(p,q)$ of points in $S_n$ such that $\|p-q\|^2 = r$. We want a largest possible subset $X$ of $S_n$ such that $X$ contains at most one of each $E_r$. It can be considered as a quadratically constrained integer programming problem:

maximize $\sum_{p \in S_n} x_p$

subject to $\sum_{(p,q) \in S_r} x_p x_q \le 1$ for each $r$

all $x_p \in \{0,1\}$

Not that there are efficient methods to solve this, but CPLEX ought to be able to do this for small $n$.

EDIT: It appears that a careful integer linear programming model (with binary variables for both edges and vertices) works better. The results for small $n$ are

$$ \matrix{n & a_n\cr 1 & 1\cr 2 & 3\cr 3 & 4\cr 4 & 6\cr}$$ I have some faint hopes of getting $a_5$ (so far CPLEX has found a solution with $7$ vertices and an upper bound of $19.51$)

EDIT: CPLEX crashed before obtaining an optimal solution for $n=5$. An example to show $a_5 \ge 7$ is $$\pmatrix{ 3 & 4 & 2\cr 1 & 2 & 2\cr 4 & 4 & 2\cr 5 & 5 & 2\cr 5 & 1 & 4\cr 5 & 5 & 4\cr 2 & 1 & 5\cr}$$


For $n=6$, Jyrki's estimate shows $a_6 \le 9$, and (using tabu search) I was able to find an example to show $a_6 = 9$:

$$ \pmatrix{ 4 & 3 & 1\cr 1 & 5 & 4\cr 1 & 2 & 6\cr 6 & 1 & 1\cr 1 & 6 & 4\cr 2 & 5 & 3\cr 2 & 2 & 2\cr 6 & 2 & 6\cr 1 & 6 & 6\cr}$$

EDIT: I was able to find an example to show $a_7 \ge 10$: $$\pmatrix{ 1 & 7 & 7\cr 5 & 7 & 1\cr 7 & 2 & 2\cr 7 & 5 & 5\cr 1 & 2 & 2\cr 1 & 4 & 7\cr 2 & 7 & 7\cr 7 & 6 & 4\cr 1 & 7 & 5\cr 6 & 3 & 1\cr}$$

Still trying for $11$.

Solution 2:

Promoting the comments to an answer, as the upper bound seems to be surprisingly good early on.

We want to avoid repetitions of squared distances. The squared distance $d$ between two points in $S_n$ is of the form $$ d=a^2+b^2+c^2, $$ where $a,b,c$ are integers in the range $[0,n-1]$. Let us denote by $D_n$ the set of such sums $>0$. The exact size of the set $D_n$ is difficult to write down, but it is obviously $<3(n-1)^2$, and does grow roughly as a quadratic polynomial function of $n$.

Call a subset $S\subseteq S_n$ a 3-dimensional Golomb ruler, 3DGR for short, if there are no repetitions among the squared distances between its points. If $S$ is a 3DGR with $m$ elements, then the squared distances between its points form a subset of $\binom m2$ integers of the set $D_n$. Hence we have the inequality $$ \binom m2\le |D_n|.\qquad(*) $$ So if $a_n$ is the maximum size of a 3DGR $S\subseteq S_n$, then we have an upper bound $a_n\le m$, where $m$ is the largest integer satisfying $(*)$.

Example. Consider the case $n=3$. We see easily that the set $D_3$ consists of integers $$ D_3=\{1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,12\}, $$ a total of nine elements. Because $\binom 42<9<\binom 52$ we can deduce that a 3DGR $\subseteq S_3$ can have at most four elements. It is easy to check that $$ S=\{(1,1,1),(1,1,3),(2,3,3),(3,3,3)\} $$ is a 3DGR (yielding the squared distances $1,4,5,8,9,12$). Therefore the bound is tight in this case, and we can conclude that $a_3=4$.

Here's a short table (thanks, Mathematica) of the upper bounds to $a_n$: $$ \begin{array}{c|c|ccc|c|c} n&|D_n|&a_n\le&&n&|D_n|&a_n\le\\ \hline 1&0&1&&11&178&19\\ 2&3&3&&12&211&21\\ 3&9&4&&13&259&23\\ 4&18&6&&14&299&24\\ 5&31&8&&15&346&26\\ 6&44&9&&16&401&28\\ 7&66&12&&17&463&30\\ 8&87&13&&18&516&32\\ 9&115&15&&19&591&34\\ 10&144&17&&20&648&36 \end{array} $$

So we see that the upper bound grows linearly as a function of $n$ (follows immediately from the estimates on the size of $D_n$). I dare not guess, how the true values of $a_n$ behave. The case of 1-dimensional Golomb rulers is difficult enough, and huge amounts of computing resources have been put towards improving their construction.