"Do miracles" or "Make miracles"?

I've read both of them, but I don't know if both are equally correct and widely used.

Just to clarify after receiving the first answers: I meant real miracles (like god-related), not something that gave good results. So I guess the "work/perform" idiom doesn't apply, right?

Perform or work a miracle are more common expressions than make or do a miracle.

Work/perform miracles:

  • to achieve very good results. Her exercise programme has worked miracles for her.


Ngram: perform, work, do and make a miracle.

Ngram: perform, work, do and make miracles

Next to "work miracles" and depending on context, consider work/do wonders. Ngram


a. An extraordinary or remarkable act or achievement: That teacher has worked wonders with these students.

b. An event inexplicable by the laws of nature; a miracle. AHD