A synonym for "bastardized" without the evil slant?

With the following definition:

To lower in quality or character.

Synonyms found:

corrupt, pervert, subvert, demoralize, demoralise, debauch, debase, profane, vitiate, deprave, misdirect

However all of those have a very "intentionally evil" connotation. I would say more along the lines of "messed up", but it needs to portray that it's somewhat intentional, just not with the evil slant.

Intentionally done, but unintentionally wrong, is what I'm looking for.

Perfect Example:

My nick name on here is Aequitarum Custos, which is a "bastardized" Latin, it should have been Aequitatis Custos (the correct way to say what I wanted).

I intentionally created my nick like that, but had no intention to make it wrong.

Reason for desiring a synonym is due to the perceived obscenity of the word bastard by some people.

Solution 1:

Most words which are synonymous with bastardized will probably have negative connotations, I would imagine. Several that have been suggested (adulterate, debase, contaminated, pollute) all sound negative to me. The reason is that most of these things are not desirable things. Nobody wants contamination or pollution or something that's been reduced to its base form.

Thus I'd suggest other words that don't imply so much destruction:

  • twisted
  • broken
  • malformed
  • defective
  • unusual (as a euphemism)

Solution 2:

Adulterate might be useful. It still sounds dirty, but not as evil as contaminate and whatnot.

By far the best term for the specific situation of your username is Canis Latinicus. A less specific and fairly neutrally descriptive term for bastardized language is simply broken.

If you'd like to lampshade the fact that you're bowdlerizing the term "bastardized" in order to placate the squeamish, I would suggest illegitimized.

Solution 3:

You might consider dilute or mitigate.

Solution 4:

You fudged it: "to make or adjust in a false or clumsy way".