When was the word "terrorism" first used?

When was the word "terrorism" first used in the world? I did some research but, the internet gave me two answers. The first one said it was first used in 1794. But, the second one said it was first introduced in 1160. I want to know when was it first used in the world. Does anyone know when the word "terrorism" was first used?

Solution 1:

According to the OED, it was first used in 1795 or 1796, depending on what definition you look at.

The 1795 citation refers to the French Reign of Terror:

During the reign of terrorism, I was a close prisoner for eight long months.
Speech in Convention

The year 1796 is when it was first used in its general sense:

John Thelwall..pointed out the defects of all the ancient governments of Greece, Rome, Old France, &c.; and the causes of rebellion, insurrection, regeneration of governments, terrorism, massacres, or revolutionary murders.
The pursuits of literature

Solution 2:

I would add (from the usual suspect etymonline) that the first usage from 1795 meant specifically governmental terror,

terrorism (n.)

1795, in specific sense of "government intimidation during the Reign of Terror in France" (March 1793-July 1794), from French terrorisme, noted in English by 1795 as a coinage of the Revolution, from Latin terror "great fear, dread, alarm, panic; object of fear, cause of alarm; terrible news," from PIE root *tres- "to tremble" (see terrible).

while the general usage came from the Irish uprising in 1798.

General sense of "systematic use of terror as a policy" is first recorded in English 1798 (in reference to the Irish Rebellion of that year).

Solution 3:

The concept goes back to the origin of states thousands of years ago. The specific word 'terrorism' instead of 'causing fear as a weapon of war at the state level' comes from the Jacobin period 'The Terror' of the 1790's, where the French 'terreur' (panic, fear) became the term 'terrorisme' (a state of panic/fear that references this period of time).