New posts in combinatorial-geometry

How many balls of radius 1 can be packed into a sphere of radius 10?

Maximum $C$ such that every shape in $\Bbb R^2$ with area $<C$ can be placed to avoid $\Bbb Z^2$

Proof a $2^n$ by $2^n$ board can be filled using L shaped trominoes and 1 monomino

Which convex shapes are the hardest to bind together with a rubber band?

Why can we cover $\mathbb R^N$ with open balls of radius $r$ such that each point is in at most $N + 1$ balls?

Does a random set of points in the plane contain a large empty convex polygon?

square cake with raisins

The generous lazy caterer

Building a cube from small bricks such that no lines can be pushed through between the seams

Problem while solving this combinatorial geometry puzzle

How many planar arrangements of $n$ circles?

Circles on the plane such that every line intersects at least one of them but no line intersects more that 100 of them

Points in plane with every pair having at least two equidistant points?

On existence of boards that be covered by every free tetromino

Can Three Equilateral Triangles with Sidelength $s$ Cover A Unit Square?

Expected length of the shortest polygonal path connecting random points

Rectangle with lattice points

Cutting up a circle to make a square

In how many different ways can a 9-panel comic grid be used?

Gerrymandering on a high-genus surface/can I use my powers for evil?