New posts in category-theory

Can we use the internal logic of a category to do diagram chases "as in $\mathbf{Ab}$" ?

"Numerical results" from category theory

Is the internal language of a topos complete, sound and effective?

Quasi-inverse of an equivalence of categories is unique up to unique isomorphism

Tensor products from internal hom?

Can the identity $ab=\gcd(a,b)\text{lcm}(a,b)$ be recovered from this category?

Set union in the category of sets

Axioms for category theory

Why are adjoint functors common?

Categorical characterizations of ring properties

Category of Banach spaces

Universal property of initial topology

Center of the categories $\mathbf{Grp}$ and $\mathbf{Ab}$.

The colimit of all finite-dimensional vector spaces

Why is the category of finitely generated modules over a non-noetherian ring not abelian?

Origin of Grothendieck universes

Can we define factorials in sufficiently nice categories?

$B\otimes_A A[x]=B[x]$

Why is the 'mapping space' between two objects in a quasi-category a Kan complex?

Usage of triangulated categories