New posts in category-theory

Applications of category theory and topoi/topos theory in reality

Prove that the result of any nested composition of morphisms is independent of the placement of paranthesis.

Why the rightmost square is a pullback?

example diagram of pullbacks and fiber products

Metric vs metrizable spaces

Endomorphisms of forgetful functor $\mathbf{Grp}\to \mathbf{Set}$

Are continuous maps "weaker" than other morphisms?

Epimorphism and monomorphism explained without math?

Can we rederive the axioms of topology from the structure of the category $\textbf{Top}$?

Is an epimorphic endomorphism of a noetherian commutative ring necessarily an isomorphism?

Properties of Adjoint functors

Words in the Category of Sets

Products in quotient category

Exercise 1.5.xi from Emily Riehl's "Category Theory in Context" on properties of some functors

Arbitrary products of quasi-coherent sheaves?

A Concrete Approach to Category Theory

Natural Transformation between covariant and contravariant functor

Direct products, direct sums and coproducts in category of groups

Why is $Set$ not equivalent to $Set^{op}$?

Injective vs. monic (in categories where it makes sense)