New posts in calculus-of-variations

Curve of fastest descent between three points.

Critical Curves of the Energy Functional are Geodesics

When is the moment of inertia of a smooth plane curve is maximum?

Elliptic regularization of the heat equation

Shortest path on hyperboloid

Problems approaching the Brachistochrone problem

How to learn calculus of variations? [duplicate]

Natural Boundary Condition

Checking my understanding of $T^*M$ as a symplectic manifold and the links between the classical description of Lagrangians vs this invariant way.

Poincaré hyperbolic geodesics in half-plane and disc models including outer branch

Time-optimal control to the origin for two first order ODES - Trying to take control as we speak!

Calculus of variations: Lagrange multipliers

Fastest curve from $p_0$ to $p_1$

Proof of Hartree Energy conservation

Hilbert's 19th problem: Why do we care?

Invariance of Euler-Lagrange equation

Show that the full Euler-Lagrange equation of the Brachistochrone is $2y(x)y''(x)+y'(x)^2+1=0$

Is functional $\int_0^a \left( (u')^2 - u^2 \right) {\rm d} x$ convex?

Calculus of variations with two functions and inequality

Gradient flow of a surface