New posts in approximation

Where am I violating the rules?

Calculating the square root of 2

Why is it that this gives a good approximation of $\pi$?

How was this approximation of $\pi$ involving $\sqrt{5}$ arrived at?

Explanation and proof of the 4th order Runge-Kutta method

$\pi^4 + \pi^5 \approx e^6$ is anything special going on here?

Approximating the compond interest for a loan

I have found a formula for dividing numbers in easy steps

How do you calculate the decimal expansion of an irrational number?

The right "weigh" to do integrals

How can I generate "random" curves?

Pi Estimation using Integers

What's the closest approximation to $\pi$ using the digits $0-9$ only once?

Tensor products of functions generate dense subspace?

A series problem by Knuth

Rapid approximation of $\tanh(x)$

What is the purpose of Stirling's approximation to a factorial?

On Shanks' quartic approximation $\pi \approx \frac{6}{\sqrt{3502}}\ln(2u)$

Looking for a function that approximates a parabola

Approximating the error function erf by analytical functions