New posts in approximation

Approximating roots of the truncated Taylor series of $\exp$ by values of the Lambert W function

Why is $e^\pi - \pi$ so close to $20$?

Is there an integral for $\pi^4-\frac{2143}{22}$?

How is Gosper's approximation to factorial derived?

Geometric explanation of $\sqrt 2 + \sqrt 3 \approx \pi$

Lambert function approximation $W_0$ branch

Does the sequence $n+\tan(n), n \in\mathbb{N}$ have a lower bound?

How could I improve this approximation?

A series to prove $\frac{22}{7}-\pi>0$

Is there a "greater than about" symbol?

Approximation to the Lambert W function

How approximation search works

How is the derivative truly, literally the "best linear approximation" near a point?

Difference between "≈", "≃", and "≅"

Simple numerical methods for calculating the digits of $\pi$

Can the golden ratio accurately be expressed in terms of $e$ and $\pi$

Motivation for Ramanujan's mysterious $\pi$ formula

How can I approximate these two functions?

Find the average of $\sin^{100} (x)$ in 5 minutes?

Is there an integral that proves $\pi > 333/106$?