New posts in approximation

Round to n decimal places

Showing that $\int_0^\infty x^{-x} \mathrm{d}x \leq 2$.

How best to explain the $\sqrt{2\pi n}$ term in Stirling's?

Approximating $\pi$ with least digits

Methodology to solve trigonometric equations such as $4x+\tan(x)=\pi$

Approximating the logarithm of the binomial coefficient

Approximation for $\pi$

How can I find the value of $\ln( |x|)$ without using the calculator?

Prove that $2^{2^{\sqrt3}}>10$

Approximation of $e$ using $\pi$ and $\phi$?

Ramanujan's approximation for $\pi$

Approximation of $e^{-x}$

Is there an approximation to the natural log function at large values?

Could these polynomials be identified?

What is the difference between natural cubic spline, Hermite spline, Bézier spline and B-spline?

How much gas does a car use to carry its own gas?

Approximate value of a slowly-converging sum of $\sum|\sin n|^n/n$

Sine Approximation of Bhaskara

Find formula from values

Find a polynomial using minimax approximation