New posts in approximation

Rational function approximation to square root

Proof that $\frac{2}{3} < \log(2) < \frac{7}{10}$

$\lim_{n\to\infty} f(2^n)$ for some very slowly increasing function $f(n)$

Intuitively, why is the Euler-Mascheroni constant near $\sqrt{1/3}$?

Minimum of the Gamma Function $\Gamma (x)$ for $x>0$. How to find $x_{\min}$?

Why do we need an integral to prove that $\frac{22}{7} > \pi$?

How to show this formula to get a square root of a number in "just few seconds" is true?

Why $e^{\pi}-\pi \approx 20$, and $e^{2\pi}-24 \approx 2^9$?

Finding asymptotic growth using the Laplace Method

Convert light frequency to RGB?

Approximation of $ \int_0^\infty x^{1/2} e^{-x t} \sin (a x^{1/2})dx$ -- rapidly oscillating

Almost Stirling's Approximation

Happy $\pi$-day! Is it true that $\sum_{p \;\text{prime} } \frac{1}{{\pi}^p} < \pi -\lfloor \pi \rfloor$?

Approximating Lambert W-function as a fraction of logarithm

Why this approximation for $\pi$ is so accurate?

What is the fastest algorithm for finding the natural logarithm of a big number?

Maximum of Polynomials in the Unit Circle

Nested solutions of a quadratic equation.

Evaluate the following function using as many significant figures as required to get a final result of 4 digits accuracy

What does it mean for a polynomial to be the 'best' approximation of a function around a point?