New posts in apostrophe

Use of apostrophes

Apostrophe to indicate the plural of a mathematical object [duplicate]

Is the apostrophe placed before or after "and" in this instance? [duplicate]

"Brazilian's army's ammo supply": is it right to use apostrophes on two consecutive nouns like this?

Just how important are grammar and spelling? [closed]

HTML Best Practices: Should I use ’ or the special keyboard shortcut?

Apostrophe on plurals of a word abbreviated with a symbol?

"One of my friend's father" vs. "one of my friends' father" [duplicate]

adults’ English teacher or adult’s English teacher? [duplicate]

Name, Conditions, and Pluralization of "Conscience' sake"

Is Lewis Carroll correct in his suggestion on some abbreviations?

At the beginning of a sentence in dialogue that sounds incomplete, should you use an apostrophe?

Apostrophe after first use of acronym [duplicate]

Genitive of Fritz [duplicate]

Pronunciation of the possessive form of singular nouns ending in “s”

Which one is correct: "bachelor's and master's degrees", or without apostrophes? [duplicate]

What is the correct way to say "It was this week that Justin and my lives changed forever"?

Teeth of a dragon

What's the correct apostrophe usage in this case?

Plural of an initialism written in lowercase with abbreviation full stops