New posts in apostrophe

Apostrophe in sports team age division: 12s vs. 12's [duplicate]

Why is there an apostrophe in "h'm"?

Apostrophes in Grammar [duplicate]

What’s the usage of apostrophes in " ‘Bye, ‘bye "?

What’s the word for the habit of writing “play’d” or “revolv’d”?

Apostrophe with conjunction [duplicate]

Is "Most of it's in English" normal English?

apostrophe rules in academic writing

Masters or Master's (for my specific situation) [duplicate]

Correct usage of the possessive in the name "Christiaan Huygens"

Apostrophes in a list of people

Apostrophe or assume the possessive?

Is the apostrophe (') supposed to be omitted in names like 'King's Cross', 'King's Singers'? [duplicate]

A unique case of capitalising mid-sentence and using apostrophe 's'

Apostrophe s' or s's - When to use each? [duplicate]

How should I pluralize MSDS?

Possessive apostrophe usage: why not "World's Health Organization"? [duplicate]

How do I correctly pluralize acronyms? [duplicate]

Possessive apostrophe subtle variation [duplicate]

Word choice: Gent, Gent's or Gents? [duplicate]