New posts in apostrophe

Possessive nouns, the apostrophe, and no 'S'

Schools Pupils' Reports or without apostrophe?

What is the plural of the name Jess? [duplicate]

Is this genitive correct? “... the sustainability performance of firms” [duplicate]

Why should "theirs" not have an apostrophe? [duplicate]

Minute's vs Minutes [closed]

The usage of apostrophes - is the sentence "Save message file parameters to database" correct? [closed]

correctly dotting the "i"s and crossing the "t"s in the expression "dotting the i's and crossing the t's" [duplicate]

Which one is correct "United's stadium" or "United' stadium"? [closed]

Which direction is an apostrophe?

Possessive apostrophe at end of an acronym that ends in S [duplicate]

Do I add " ’s " after the number on a pope/king’s name? (e.g. Pope Paul VI’s)

Is it "childs" or "child's" [closed]

Is this possessive optional? How would it affect the meaning of the sentence?

"One plus years experience in..."

Which one of the following sentences is more correct?

I'm starting a carpet repair business and my name is Chris. Is Chris's Carpet Repair correct? [duplicate]

"One of the offers' name is..."?

“It’s” at the end of a sentence [duplicate]

The use of the apostrophe is equivalent in these phrases?