New posts in antecedents

Ambiguity in use of relative pronouns

Should "it/this" always refer to a specific noun? [duplicate]

Can I mix up plural with singular to resolve pronoun ambiguity?

Are these two sentences (from a book) correct? [duplicate]

You can't put a flower in an a**hole and call it a vase

SAT question, pronoun "their" [closed]

To which level can an antecedent of "which" be a phrasal noun? Can an entire clause be the antecedent? [duplicate]

Is the pronoun 'it' used correctly in this sentence?

Personal pronoun before noun? [duplicate]

‘It’ – ambiguous antecedent?

What is it called when an antecedent noun follows the pronoun?

Antecedent of "naked" in "I would like to paint a picture of you naked"

What does "it" represent in the following sentence?

How can the relative pronoun 'which' have an adjectival phrase as its antecedent? Exactly what may act as antecedent for 'which'?

"one of the cables that runs" or "one of the cables that run"?

Can two different pronouns (that, who) be used to refer to the same antecedent (a statue representing a person)?

Can a pronoun and its referent have different plurality?

How are pronouns resolved?

What is "it" in the following sentence: It is clear that Bob likes doughnuts