New posts in algebraic-geometry

Connections between K-Theory and PDEs?

Is sheafification always an inclusion?

Learning schemes

When is a flat morphism open?

Closed immersion definition

Proper curves over some field are projective

Are there Zariski-continuous maps between algebraic sets that are not polynomial maps?

Is there a "geometric" interpretation of inert primes?

Definition of degree of finite morphism plus context

What's the origin of the term "chaotic topology"?

Does the fibres being equal dimensional imply flatness?

Geometrical interpretation of $I(X_1\cap X_2)\neq I(X_1)+I(X_2)$, $X_i$ algebraic sets in $\mathbb{A}^n$

A "generalized field" with $q$ elements, when $q$ is any number?

Why é​t​a​l​e​?

Motivation for the study of amoebas.

Zariski dense implies classically dense?

Hartshorne Ex. II 1.16 b) Flasque sheaves and exact sequences

Stacks are just sheaves up to Isomorphism

Sard's theorem for algebraic varieties

How to prove a specific quotient of polynomial ring is a free module?