New posts in algebraic-geometry

Existence of divisors of degree one on a curve over a finite field

Undergraduate roadmap for Langlands program and its geometric counterpart

For a ring map $f:A\to B$, closure of image of $V(J)$ under associated map on Spec is $V(f^{-1}(J))$

History of Algebraic Geometry: Motivation behind definition of schemes

What's the "real" reason a finite map has finite fibers?

What is a "subscheme"?

Manageable project to learn some arithmetic geometry

Theories of $p$-adic integration

If a line bundle and its dual both have a section (on a projective variety) does this imply that the bundle is trivial?

Gluing sheaves - can we realize $\mathcal{F}(W)$ as some kind of limit?

Closed points of a scheme correspond to maximal ideals in the affines?

Why is it so difficult to find beginner books in Algebraic Geometry? [duplicate]

Hartshorne or Vakil's notes

Translation for EGA/SGA

Prime spectrum of a ring, understanding geometry

Hartshorne Problem 1.2.14 on Segre Embedding

Direct way to show: $\operatorname{Spec}(A)$ is $T_1$ $\Rightarrow$ $\operatorname{Spec}(A)$ is Hausdorff

Does Hartshorne *really* not define things like the composition or restriction of morphisms of schemes?

Product of skyscraper sheaf vs constant sheaf

A proof using Yoneda lemma