New posts in free-modules

If a polynomial ring is a free module over some subring, is that subring itself a polynomial ring?

Rings of integers of number field and free modules over a PID

Question about finite dimensional vector space over a field $K$ and free $K[x]$-module

The direct sum of $n$-copies of a $K$-vector space $V$ is a free $\operatorname{End}_{R}(V)$-module

Is there any relation of injective modules to free modules?

A finite dimensional vector $V$ is not free as an $\operatorname{End}_{K}(V)$-module

Torsion free modules, free modules

Generators of a finitely generated free module over a commutative ring

Being direct summand of free module implies having dual basis.

A surjective homomorphism between finite free modules of the same rank

Pullback of locally free sheaves is locally free

Doubt about the definition of free vector spaces.

How to prove a specific quotient of polynomial ring is a free module?

Why are stably free modules called stably free?

Question on $(2, 1+\sqrt{-5})$ as a submodule of $\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{-5}]$.

Prove $D$ is $R$-algebra