New posts in algebraic-geometry

Description of the residue field at a generic point

Atiyah-MacDonald help with exercise 5.10

Why is the Leibniz rule a sufficient ingredient in the construction of the tangent space?

"This property is local on" : properties of morphisms of $S$-schemes

Physicist trying to understand GIT quotient

What is the fundamental group of the variety of singular matrices, without $0$?

is the pushforward of a flat sheaf flat?

Finding singular points and computing dimension of tangent spaces (only for the brave)

Properties of quotient sheaves

All polynomial parametric curves in $k^2$ are contained in affine algebraic varieties

What is normal crossing?

Does every non-compact Riemann surface embed holomorphically into $\mathbb{C}^2$?

2 out of 3 property for faithfully flat ring maps

Preimaging units to units

Does the $p$-torsion of an elliptic curve with good reduction over a local field always determine whether the reduction is ordinary or supersingular?

Counting points on the Klein quartic

affine variety definition

Intuition Behind, or Canonical Examples of Finite Type Morphisms

My first course in algebraic geometry: two simple questions

Dimension of irreducible affine variety is same as any open subset