New posts in adjectives

Do -ist words (e.g. racist) have superlative or comparative forms?

Difference between "mythical" and "mythological"

Usage of noxious, nocuous and their opposites

A pejorative term for "unreasonably gregarious"

Another Term for "Long-Thought"

History of the words "conservative" and "liberal"

"Blue colour" or "Colour blue"

Does the phrase "espoused narrative" make sense?

Does "-able" have an imperative meaning?

What's a word used for someone who criticizes his country but doesn't let any foreigner criticize his country?

Somebody who doesn't want to work but wants materials and luxury?

name of colour (noun or adjective) [duplicate]

Is there a word that means 'causes/causing evolution?'

Is there a more masculine way to describe a "petite" man?

Word for someone who has plastic surgery, breast augmentation, etc.? [closed]

Looking for a Very Specific Adjective

Is there an adverb for "ungodly"?

Is “U.S.” in “U.S.-China trade” a noun or adjective?

Why is the genitive case necessary/unecessary in the examples below?

Word for large, short, wide, roundish, fat bottle