New posts in derivation

Is "recyclist" a word?

Does "-able" have an imperative meaning?

Diaconate vs. Deacon

Name for person who uses epanorthosis

How to pronounce "undoes"?

Single-word verb for "to keep private/confidential"

Outwardly beauty or outward beauty?

How is "caballito blanco" expressed in English?

Reason for pronunciation differences between different meanings of offense

What is the etymology of "dwanky?"

Single word for object that is addictive

What is the source of the phrase "phony baloney"?

Does English allow "assemblable" to be created from "assemble"?

Can "-ness" be added to any adjective?

What is the origin of the phrase "grease the skids"?

Highlit vs Highlighted, Lit vs Lighted

Adjective for 'shite'

Are "adult" and "adulterate" cognates?

Why don't "-use" verb-noun pairs obey initial stress derivation?

What is the meaning and derivation of 'cowp'?