New posts in abbreviations

Does the word "units" have a valid abbreviation?

Why does the police use "K-9 Unit" instead of "dog"?

What do references like "Docc Rom." and similar mean? [closed]

Can "e.g." be used to indicate that the preceding clause is an example?

Abbreviations and Full Stops

Use of degree symbol for Latinate ordinal number shorthand

Why is “number” abbreviated as “No.”? [duplicate]

Looking for an idiom for the time between production and selling

Manage abbreviations before parantheses at the end of a sentence

First name initial format "A. B. Lastname" vs "A.-B. Lastname"

How do I list multiple married couples names on an inviation

About i.e. and e.g [closed]

Meaning of W in SFPW, or a synonym that starts with a W

"Gotta" pronunciation

Page range abbreviation "pp.164–71" — a typo or a common shorthand? [closed]

Does English contain any "abbreviated" words as a core part of its corpus? [closed]

Is it true that people are unfamiliar with abbreviations like "i.e." and "e.g." and therefore it is best to avoid using them? [closed]

Is there a common abbreviation for "with or without"? e.g. _w/wo_ or _w/w/o_

Abbreviations in Archive Reference

Is "i.e." in this situation incorrect?