New posts in abbreviations

Is "camp" short for "campaign"?

What does the abbreviation 'compl.' mean in the Oxford English Dictionary (OED)

Seeking a history of q

"In the mid of 1990s" Is it grammatically correct?

Abbreviation for "requirements"

Correct capitalization of words beginning with "e-" (for "electronic")

Is the second period necessary after an abbreviation?

Correct abbreviation for “byte” and “bit” [closed]

Term for the second letter in Sx, Dx, Rx?

"df." as an abbreviation

When were st, nd, rd, and th, first used [closed]

birth-death range - person still alive

Why some abbreviations ended with a period, but some not?

Should I capitalize a contraction at the beginning of a sentence? [duplicate]

Should Philip have P. or Ph. as an initial?

What is the students' jargon or abbreviation for assignments made up of "only" data downloaded from the internet in English? (If it exists)

How do we pronounce the plural form of “kg” in a sentence? [closed]

Where does A/C abbreviation for aircraft come from?

Articles with initialisms: 'the' or no 'the', can both be correct?

Who inflects "innit"?