Abbreviation for "requirements"

What is the correct abbreviation for the word "requirements"?

Specifically, I am looking for the plural form of the abbreviation.

I have seen various usages including:

  • req's
  • reqs.
  • REQS
  • REQs
  • rqmts.

Are any of the above considered the correct form?

I am inclined to believe that req's is incorrect because it appears to be a contraction or in the possessive form.

REQS and REQs appear to be acronyms, which implies that each letter stands for some unique word.

So, it seems that reqs. and rqmts. are likely candidates to be the correct form, but I cannot find any definitive sources.

FWIW: As I type this question, my browser is marking only rqmts. with a spell check red underline. Indicating that perhaps all of the other options may be acceptable.

Solution 1:

A Dictionary of Abbreviations, Burt Vance (Oxford University Press) lists the following as abbreviations for 'requirement':


and for requirements


I guess you could add an s and get reqts and reqmts. So far I haven't seen a period (.) used after any abbreviation in this resource.

Note reqt is also given for request, which I think shows even with abbreviations, ambiguity is possible.

For reqs it lists requires.

A link for rqmts is this but I don't know if it's visible because I'm accessing it through my library.