Correct capitalization of words beginning with "e-" (for "electronic")

What is the correct capitalization of words beginning with "e-" (like e-mail or e-learning or e-assessment) when used in a title? Is it "E-Learning" or "E-learning" or even "e-Learning"?

To clarify: This question is not about hyphenation of such words (there are lots of other questions about that topic), but only about capitalization, e. g., in titles or at the beginning of a sentence. For the argument's sake, let's assume the words are to be hyphenated. ("Email" is a trivial answer.)

There may be some exceptions, but in titles I would generally capitalise as E-Learning.

The first page of Google Books results:

  • 6 x e-Learning
  • 4 x E-Learning
  • 0 x E-learning

This one page is a too small sample, but you can check a number of books and see how it has been used in various places.

If there's a clear accepted form for any given e- word, then use that. Otherwise, I think the key is to to pick a style and use it consistently.

Computer mediated messages are now written as emails. When the word begins a sentence, or appears in a title, there would appear to be no reason not to write it as Emails. It’s too soon to say whether the other e words will go the same way. Elearning might, but there are obvious problems with a word like eassessment, whether with e or E. In general, however, I’d say it would be wise to follow current orthographic conventions and use the upper case letter where it would normally be required, provided doing so does not create difficulty for the reader. So, assuming hyphenation, E-learning, E-assessment, E-reader and so on.