New posts in xml-namespaces

The prefix "camunda" for element "camunda:connector" is not bound"

How do I specify XML serialization attributes to support namespace prefixes during deserialization in .NET?

C#, XML, adding new nodes

Namespace Manager or XsltContext needed. This query has a prefix, variable, or user-defined function

How can I access namespaced XML elements using BeautifulSoup?

What's a RDF triple?

How to declare XPath namespaces in xmlstarlet?

Why is XmlNamespaceManager necessary?

How to ignore namespace when selecting XML nodes with XPath

Why are URLs in XML namespaces?

targetNamespace and xmlns without prefix, what is the difference?

What is an xs:NCName type and when should it be used?

XPath select node with namespace

XPath with namespace does not get the expected result [duplicate]

XML Namespaces and Unprefixed Attributes

Using XPath when XML has multiple namespaces, no default namespace [duplicate]

How to serialize an object to XML without getting xmlns="..."?

Xml Namespace breaking my xpath!

How to prevent blank xmlns attributes in output from .NET's XmlDocument?

Open Graph namespace declaration: HTML with XMLNS or head prefix?