How to ignore namespace when selecting XML nodes with XPath

I have to parse an XML document that looks like this:

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 
 <m:OASISReport xmlns:m="" 

The problem is that the namespace "" can sometimes be different. I want to ignore it completely and just get my data from tag MessagePayload downstream.

The code I am using so far is:

String[] namespaces = new String[1];
  String[] namespaceAliases = new String[1];

  namespaceAliases[0] = "ns0";
  namespaces[0] = "";

  File inputFile = new File(inputFileName);

  Map namespaceURIs = new HashMap();

  // This query will return all of the ASR records.
  String xPathExpression = "/ns0:OASISReport
  xPathExpression += "|/ns0:OASISReport

  // Load up the raw XML file. The parameters ignore whitespace and other
  // nonsense,
  // reduces DOM tree size.
  SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();
  Document inputDocument =;

  // Relate the aliases with the namespaces
  if (namespaceAliases != null && namespaces != null)
   for (int i = 0; i < namespaceAliases.length; i++)
    namespaceURIs.put(namespaceAliases[i], namespaces[i]);

  // Cache the expression using the supplied namespaces.
  XPath xPath = DocumentHelper.createXPath(xPathExpression);

  List asResultsNodes = xPath.selectNodes(inputDocument.getRootElement());

It works fine if the namespace never changes but that is obviously not the case. What do I need to do to make it ignore the namespace? Or if I know the set of all possible namespace values, how can I pass them all to the XPath instance?

This is FAQ (but I'm lazy to search duplicates today)

In XPath 1.0


Selects any element with "name" as local-name.

In XPath 2.0 you can use:


