How do I specify XML serialization attributes to support namespace prefixes during deserialization in .NET?

I have a following XML:

<person xmlns:a="" xmlns:b="">

How do I define XML serialization attributes on a class to support described scenario?

Solution 1:

You'll need to indicate which namespaces each field requires by using Namespace of XmlElement attribute. This will allow you to associate a field with a particular namespace, but you'll also need to expose a property on your class that returns type XmlNamespaceDeclarations in order to get the prefix association.

See documentation and sample below:

[XmlRoot(ElementName = "person")]
public class Person
    [XmlElement(Namespace = "")]
    public string fname;

    [XmlElement(Namespace = "")]
    public string lname;

    public XmlSerializerNamespaces xmlns = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();

    public Person()
        xmlns.Add("a", "");
        xmlns.Add("b", "");