New posts in facebook-opengraph

og:type and valid values : constantly being parsed as og:type=website

og:image could not be downloaded because it exceeded the maximum allowed sized of 8Mb

Creating Facebook Page programmatically through Open Graph API

og meta tags, social buttons and angularjs

Why does Facebook Graph API say my account is non-active?

Generating Facebook Open Graph meta tags dynamically

How to successfully implement og:image for the LinkedIn

What is the minimum width and height Of Facebook Open Graph Images?

FB.init has already been called

Meaning of HTML prefix attribute (Open Graph Protocol)?

Facebook pages API: "Page Public Content Access" review screencast

Facebook like - showing cached version og:image, way to refresh or reindex it?

Use SVG as og:image

New og:image size for Facebook share?

Is it possible to use the same meta tag for opengraph and

Open Graph validation for HTML5

Dynamic Facebook Open Graph tags possible?

Get Facebook meta tags with PHP

OpenGraph or [closed]

IOS Facebook SDK - Post Open Graph and show on Timeline without clicking Activity Log