Get Facebook meta tags with PHP

I Was going to suggest to use get_meta_tags() but it seems to not work (for me) :s

$tags = get_meta_tags('');
echo $tags['og:image'];

But I would rather suggest using DOMDocument anyways:

$sites_html = file_get_contents('');

$html = new DOMDocument();
$meta_og_img = null;
//Get all meta tags and loop through them.
foreach($html->getElementsByTagName('meta') as $meta) {
    //If the property attribute of the meta tag is og:image
        //Assign the value from content attribute to $meta_og_img
        $meta_og_img = $meta->getAttribute('content');
echo $meta_og_img;

Hope it helps

As per this method you will get key pair array of fabcebook open graph tags.

 $site_html=  file_get_contents($url);
    preg_match_all('~<\s*meta\s+property="(og:[^"]+)"\s+content="([^"]*)~i',     $site_html,$matches);

Output of facebook open graph tags