MySQL's alternative to T-SQL's WITH TIES

I have a table from which I want to get the top N records. The records are ordered by values and some records have the same values. What I'd like to do here is to get a list of top N records, including the tied ones. This is what's in the table:

| Name  | Value  |
| A     | 10     |
| B     | 30     |
| C     | 40     |
| D     | 40     |
| E     | 20     |
| F     | 50     |

Now if I want to get the top 3 like so


I get this:

| Name  | Value  |
| F     | 50     |
| C     | 40     |
| D     | 40     |

What I would like to get is this

| Name  | Value  |
| F     | 50     |
| C     | 40     |
| D     | 40     |
| B     | 30     |

I calculate the rank of each record so what I would really like is to get the first N ranked records instead of the first N records ordered by value. This is how I calculate the rank:

SELECT Value AS Val, (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(Value))+1 FROM table WHERE Value > Val) as Rank

In T-SQL something like this is achievable by doing this:


Does anyone have an idea how to do this in MySQL? I understand it could be done with subqueries or temporary tables but I don't have enough knowledge to accomplish this. I'd prefer a solution without using temporary tables.

Does this work for you?

select Name, Value from table where Value in (
    select distinct Value from table order by Value desc limit 3
) order by Value desc

Or perhaps:

select a.Name, a.Value 
from table a
join (select distinct Value from table order by Value desc limit 3) b
     on a.Value = b.Value

select a.Name, a.Value 
from table a
join (select Value from table order by Value desc limit 3) b
     on a.Value = b.Value

This is like @Fosco's answer, but without DISTINCT in the subquery. His version returns the players with the top N scores, not the top N players (plus ties). E.g. if the scores are 50, 50, 50, 40, 40, 30, 20, he'll return 6 players (3x50, 2x40, 1x30), but you presumably just want 3x50.

Starting with MySQL 8, you can use window functions to emulate the WITH TIES semantics, by filtering on RANK(). For example:

SELECT Name, Value
  SELECT Name, Value, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY Value DESC) AS rk
  FROM table
) t
WHERE rk <= 3

Note that when reading your question more closely, this doesn't do exactly what you seem to want, but it does exactly what T-SQL can do through the TOP n WITH TIES clause.