New posts in word-usage

Is "scopperloit" a real word?

Are effect and affect related to efferent and afferent?

Difference in usage between the nouns "merge" and "merger"

Difference between “I will call you” and “I give you a call”?

"But for all his foolish pranks, he was worshipped in the ranks"

Could "shazam" be used to describe a ninja?

"none like him" vs "none like unto him"

What are the differences between "May" & "Might" / "May have" & "Might have" in strict English?

Emphasizing the sum was greater or less than expected value

Agglomeration vs. conglomeration

Why is the show called "Stranger Things" instead of "Strange Things"? [closed]

Where does the "headhunter" recruiter come from?

The recent invention of the word "heterosexual"

How do I say I just got well from a fever yesterday? [closed]

Differences between "bitter," "acrimonious" and "astringent." Why isn't it appropriate to describe an argument as "astringent"?

"Wallpaper" vs "background"

Is the primary usage of "Daddy" sexual now? Why?

"In the way" or "on the way" when referring to an actual location

The proper usage of "putative"?

Can you "sound up a room" the same way you can light it up?