New posts in word-usage

Was I correct in my use of "whatever" over "something"? [closed]

Is this correct: no one will be asked to return until I am sure that the crisis has past [closed]

What is the difference between defray, sponsor, and fund?

What is the cutoff between the word banned and suspended?

Is having sex a hobby? [closed]

Is the common definition of "muckle-mouthed" a product of "The Catcher in the Rye"?

"Stamp" vs "stomp": when, how, and why?

What is the difference between Philanthropy and Philanthropism?

Name for similar beginnings or endings exhibited by sets of nouns / compound nouns etc (not affixes) [closed]

How to verbify "logic" [duplicate]

How to use implies in a sentence?

Where does the following usage of worry come from?

"Challenged by" or "Challenged with"? How to decide whether to use "by" or "with"?

Is this an incorrect use of the word 'Synonymous'?

Does "lying" only refer to something you know is not true at the time you speak it? [closed]

What are alternative terms/words for "cognitive dissonance?"

Difference among Show as, Show with, and Show by

"Clouded" vs "clouded over."

Trustable or trustworthy?

Usage of "until after" vs. "until" vs. "till after" vs. "till"