New posts in weak-convergence

Convexity and strong lower semicontinuity imply weak lower semicontinuity

definition of "weak convergence in $L^1$"

Riemann-Lebesgue lemma: Construction of weak convergent sequences from 1-periodic function

Weakly Convergent Subsequence: Iff-Condition?

Does the sequence $(\sqrt{n} \cdot 1_{[0, 1/n]})_n$ converge weakly in $L^2$?

Convergence in distribution equivalent definition

Weak convergence in $L^{2}(0,T;H^{-1}(\Omega))$

A characterization of Weak Convergence in $L^p$ spaces

Intuitive explanation of Lyapunov condition for CLT

Weak convergence of random variables

Will $L^1\log L^1$ bound gives strong $L^1$ convergence?

Convergence in distribution and in probabiliity

uniform convergence of characteristic functions

Uniform convergence and weak convergence

Example that in a normed space, weak convergence does not implies strong convergence.

Show that the sequence $x_N$ converges weakly and compute the weak limit

$T$ is continuous $\iff \forall (x_1, x_2,..), x_i \in X, x_i \to^w x \implies T(x_i) \to^w T(x)$

Pointwise convergence in $c_0$ is not equivalent to weak convergence

Convergence of characteristic functions to $1$ on a neighborhood of $0$ and weak convergence

A closed subspace of a reflexive Banach space is reflexive