New posts in vowels

Pronunciation of "er" in "farmer" vs. "earth"

Pronunciation of "I" vowel name in fast speech

Is there a rule for how to pronounce words such as "dance", "prance", "castle"?

"man" vs. "men" pronunciation in American English

Difference between /ʌ/ and /ə/ in English IPA

What is the overlap between "Y" and "I"?

Why is "archaic" pronounced uniquely? Is the sequence -ɪɪ- only found in this word?

Why are "fun" and "hulk" phonetically transcribed with the same vowel but pronounced differently?

What is the difference between /ʌɪ/ and /aɪ/ in English?

Difference between IPA ɚ, ɹ, and ɝ

How can I practice differentiating between the /æ/ and /ɛ/ sounds in English phonology?

Do some people pronounce "women" same as "woman"? [duplicate]

Which English words feature reduction of diphthongs like /eɪ/ to /i/?

Pronunciation of Bank, Tank, etc.: Bay-nk, Ray-nk or Baen-k or Raen-k?

What exactly is the "schwa" sound?

Doesn't English have vowel harmony?

Why does a silent "-e" at the end of a word lengthen vowels?

/i/ sound before "ng" and "nk"

Why is the pronunciation of "Exodus" different from the spelling?

Why do we pronounce a long second vowel in "decide", but a short second vowel in "decision"?