New posts in vowels

Does the word "pirate" use the /aɪɚ/ phoneme, or the /aɪɹ/ phoneme?

Why is "go" spelled with the same vowel as "do" and "to" since it is pronounced differently?

How do you pronounce, "pleurisy"?

Me vs My in East Midlands dialect [duplicate]

Why doesn't "ninth" have an "e", like "ninety"?

Why does "appropriate" (and also "duplicate", "deliberate" etc) have a different vowel in their adjective/noun and verb forms?

Why are we supposed to say the “a” as an “e” in “any” and “many”?

How to pronounce "aa" vowel pair? [closed]

True realization of /i/ in American English: Is it really [ɪi]?

Scottish, English, why not *Walish?

Finding Unstressed Schwa

Whence came the different varieties of the "long i" diphthong?

What is the use of "w" as Semi-vowel?

Is "imbedded" a valid spelling of the word "embedded"?

Is the 'w' in 'cow' a vowel or a consonant? [duplicate]

Is there such a thing as an unvoiced vowel?

Why do people pronounce "Naomi" as "Niomi"?

Why did 'y' disappear as an internal vowel in English spelling?

How Many Diphthongs Are There In English?

Nike brand pronounced /ˈnʌɪk/ instead of /ˈnaɪki/? BrE? Or? [duplicate]