New posts in unitary-matrices

How can a matrix be Hermitian, unitary, and diagonal all at once?

Need to find the formula for the elements of a unitary matrix $U$.

Is $Y$, obtained from a random uniform unitary, uniformly distributed?

If $A_1$ and $A_2$ are unitary matrices ,and if $CA_1C^{-1}=A_2$,then is $C$ is also unitary?

Given a unitary matrix $U$, how do I find $A$ such that $U=e^{iA}$?

Why representation of $su(n)$ algebra are hermitian? [duplicate]

Find the determinant of $A + I$, where $A$ is a real matrix such that $AA^{\top}=I$ and $\det A<0$.

Is the adjoint representation of the unitary group irreducible?

What's the interpretation of a unitary matrix?

Every matrix can be written as a sum of unitary matrices?

Hermitian (?) representations of $su(2)$

Show that the eigenvalues of a unitary matrix have modulus $1$

Difference between orthogonal and orthonormal matrices

Matrices which are both unitary and Hermitian