New posts in typography

Why is there a period after the roman numeral in a royal title?

Getting crisper fonts in OS X after switching from Windows

Algorithm to implement a word cloud like Wordle

What are the origins of title case? [duplicate]

Difference Between Unicode FRACTION SLASH and DIVISION SLASH

Should this word be in quotes or in italic? [duplicate]

When do you leave a space in a paragraph and when do you not?

Spacing in name abbreviations [duplicate]

Why is 1 hand-written without a serif and 7 without a dash? [closed]

What non-alphabetic characters are valid in English spelling?

What kind of error is using Women instead of Woman

When a dagger is used to indicate a note, must it come after an asterisk?

Space before apostrophe

What are the names of the pieces of a question mark?

Was the “Ye Olde Shoppe” ever used or is it just an ancient-looking construct of modern times?

During what period of history did English use “ß”, the “sharp s” ligature?

What is the opposite of engraved text?

Is there any significance in little curls joining the st and ct in old books?

When to pronounce # for pound, sharp, hash or hashtag? [duplicate]

How should foreign words (with foreign characters) be written in English text?