New posts in systems-of-equations

Find the real roots for $\displaystyle \sqrt[4]{386-x}+\sqrt[4]{x}=6.$

Alternative methods for solving a system of one linear one non linear simultaneous equations

Will $2$ linear equations with $2$ unknowns always have a solution?

find all the values of a and b so that the system has a) no solution b) 1 solution c) exactly 3 solutions and 4) infinitely many solutions

How to prove the cubic formula without root extraction

Calculate area of polygon inside unit square

4 Variable System of Equation

Estimating $p$ from $A1$ and $A1$, system of equations, an estimation problem

What's wrong with manipulating this algebraic equation? and why does a manipulated system of equations have a different solution than the original?

Solving a non-linear, multivariable system of equations

What exactly do systems of equations represent?

Finding two numbers given their sum and their product

Solution of simultaneous ODE : $x'=(x^2+y^2)y$ and $y'=-(x^2+y^2)x$

Solve this question

Find the Number of Solution of equation

For which values does the Matrix system have a unique solution, infinitely many solutions and no solution?

Solving a system of non-linear equations

Solving $x!=n$ without a calculator for large $n$

How to solve an exponential and logarithmic system of equations?

$10$ Equations in $10$ variables