4 Variable System of Equation
At the end of a problem I'm solving, I have a series of equations including 4 variables. It is as follows:
x = y/4 + z/7 + m/7
y = 6x/13 + 2z/7 + 3m/7
z = 3x/13 + y/4 + 3m/7
m = 4x/13 + y/2 + 4z/7
x + y + z + m =1
I should find the value of x. What method should I follow? I've been trying so hard on it for a while and I'm clueless now :(
Solution 1:
If you just want the answer, wolframalpha.com can help (https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=x+%3D+y%2F4+%2B+z%2F7+%2B+m%2F7%2C+y+%3D+6x%2F13+%2B+2z%2F7+%2B+3m%2F7%2C+z+%3D+3x%2F13+%2B+y%2F4+%2B+3m%2F7%2C+m+%3D+4x%2F13+%2B+y%2F2+%2B+4z%2F7%2C+x+%2B+y+%2B+z+%2B+m+%3D1), which would give you x=13/86.
But in general, such a system of linear equations is solved through gaussian elimination (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaussian_elimination#Example_of_the_algorithm)