New posts in stochastic-differential-equations

Name of the formula transforming general SDE to linear

If X is $\overline{\sigma(Y)}$-measureable, then X is already $\sigma(Y)$-measureable a.s.? [closed]

Using Markov Property in solving PDE/SDE

Numerically solving SDE in Python

Weak solution of SDE, Tanaka equation

Difference between weak ( or martingale ) and strong solutions to SDEs

Show that $X_{t} = \sqrt{c}e^{-\lambda t}\beta_{e^{2\lambda t}}$ solves $dX_{t}=\sqrt{2c\lambda}dB_{t}-\lambda X_{t}dt$

how to do such stochastic integration $dS = a S^b dt + c S dW$?

Geometric Brownian motion and its inverse

Possible Close-form solution for 2 dimensional $\frac{d\Sigma}{dt} = \mathbf{A}\Sigma + \Sigma \mathbf{A}^T + \mathbf{B}\mathbf{B}^T$