New posts in statistical-inference

Reversing the probability distribution for falling ball

Errors and Residual

Complete Sufficient Statistic for double parameter exponential

How do you check if a die is fair using the posterior probability density function?

$f(x, \theta)= \frac{\theta}{x^2}$ with $x\geq\theta$ and $\theta>0$, find the MLE

Vector version of the proof that $\overline{X}$ and $S^2$ are independent

Shifted Exponential Distribution and MLE

Maximum likelihood estimator and asymptotic distribution

Vague Gamma prior?

How can I determine the best relationship for 3 variables, given several data points?

Prove $(\sum_{i=1}^{n}X_{i},\sum_{i=1}^{n}X_{i}^{2})$ is not a complete statistic for $N(\mu,\mu^2)$ distribution

Application of Slutsky theroem

Use Rao-Blackwell Theorem to find the UMVUE

MP test construction for shifted exponential distribution

Finding an unbiased estimator of $e^{-2\lambda}$ for Poisson distribution

Minimal sufficient statistics for uniform distribution on $(-\theta, \theta)$

Best way to play 20 questions

Minimal sufficient statistic of $\operatorname{Uniform}(-\theta,\theta)$

What situation calls for dividing the standard deviation by $\sqrt n$?

Why does the number of possible probability distributions have the cardinality of the continuum?