New posts in statistical-inference

(Uniformly) Most Powerful test

How to find MLE of this piecewise pdf?

Variance of the median estimator of normal distribution [closed]

Expected value of order statistics from uniform distribution

Why is the Fisher information matrix so important, and why do we need to calculate it?

What is the most general formalism for machine learning?

Proof: Rank of a Random (arbitrary size) Matrix is full rank with probability $1$?

How to find UMVUE of $\theta^k$ when $x_1, \ldots, x_n$ is a sample from Bernoulli$(\theta)$?

Hard problem to show almost sure boundedness

If $X$ is an observation from a $\text{Binom}(n, p)$, with $0 < p < 1$, how to find the UMVUE of $p^2$, and does it reach the Cramer-Rao lower bound?

What is the motivation for using cross-entropy to compare two probability vectors?

UMVUE for $λ𝑒^{−\lambda}$ where $𝑋_1, 𝑋_2$ are two independent observations from a Poisson$(λ)$ and $λ > 0$ is an unknown parameter.

Probability vs Confidence

Basu's theorem to show independence

$X_i$ follows Bernoulli distribution find UMVUE of $\theta(1-\theta)$

Find Uniform Minimum Variance Unbiased estimator (UMVU) using Lehmann Scheffé - showing statistic is complete

Distribution of Sum of Discrete Uniform Random Variables

Show that Statistic is complete

Poisson random variables and Binomial Theorem

If $X$ is a complete estimator, then a linear transformation of $X$ is a complete estimator?