New posts in square-numbers

Prove that $5$ is the only prime $p$ such that $3p + 1$ is a perfect square

Solve $ \left(\sqrt[3]{4-\sqrt{15}}\right)^x+\left(\sqrt[3]{4+\sqrt{15}}\right)^x=8 $ [closed]

Why doesn't multiplying square roots of imaginary numbers follow $\sqrt{a} \times \sqrt{b} = \sqrt{ab}$?

Are there infinitely many Mama's numbers and no Papa's numbers?

When is $8x^2-4$ a square number?

I've noticed some relationships with cosine and square root.

Prove or disprove that $\forall n\ge k, \exists m,$ s.t. $2n+1\le m^2\le 4n-1$

Subtracting Quarters of Squares Equals Multiply?!

For which $n$ can $\{1,2,...,n\}$ be rearranged so that the sum of each two adjacent terms is a perfect square? [duplicate]

Are $121$ and $400$ the only perfect squares of the form $\sum\limits_{k=0}^{n}p^k$?

All elements in $\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}$ are representable as sum of a square and a cube?

For integers $x<y<z$, why are these cases impossible for Mengoli's Six-Square Problem?

Weighted sum of squares, in a finite field

Calculating a SQRT digit-by-digit?

Sequences where $\sum\limits_{n=k}^{\infty}{a_n}=\sum\limits_{n=k}^{\infty}{a_n^2}$

What finite groups always have a square root for each element?

Arrangement of integers in a row such that the sum of every two adjacent numbers is a perfect square.

Sum of three consecutive cubes equals a perfect square

IMO 1988, problem 6

Prove that the number 14641 is the fourth power of an integer in any base greater than 6?