New posts in square-numbers

Prove that $2^n+3^n $ is never a perfect square

Shortcut to finding the square-root of a perfect-square?

Prove $n! +5$ is not a perfect square for $n\in\mathbb{N}$

Questions on perfect squares

$(a+b)^2+4ab$ and $a^2+b^2$ are both squares

A problem about Prime Numbers and Perfect Squares

How to simplify $-\sqrt {16x^2}$ when $x < 0$? [closed]

Why does this pattern in powers happen? [duplicate]

when is $n!+10$ a perfect square?

Prime Numbers And Perfect Squares

If $A^2+B^2=C^2$ with $A$ odd, $A,B,C$ coprime and $A<B<C$, is $B+C$ a square? [closed]

When is the sum of divisors a perfect square?

Discrete math. Finding a perfect square.

Algorithm to find solution to $ax^2 + by^2 = 1$ in a finite field

Has anyone heard of this maths formula and where can I find the proof to check my proof is correct? $\sum^n_{i = 1}i + \sum^{n-1}_{i=1}i = n^2$

For any $k \gt 1$, if $n!+k$ is a square then will $n \le k$ always be true?

If $u_1=1$ and $u_{n+1} = n+\sum_{k=1}^n u_k^2$, then $u_n$ is never a square.

Prove $4p-3$ is a square knowing that $n\mid p-1$ and $p\mid n^3-1$, $p$ prime

Which triangular numbers are also squares?

Is it possible to split the natural numbers into a finite number of sets so that no pair of numbers within a set adds up to a square?