If $A^2+B^2=C^2$ with $A$ odd, $A,B,C$ coprime and $A<B<C$, is $B+C$ a square? [closed]

I was looking through Pythagorean triplets and noticed something:

Take $3$ numbers $A,B,C$ such that:

  1. $A^2+ B^2= C^2$
  2. $A<B<C$
  3. $A,B$ and $C$ have no common factors
  4. $A$ is odd

Prove that $B+C$ is always a perfect square

For example $3^2+ 4^2= 5^2$ and $4+5=9= 3^2$

$5^2+ 12^2= 13^2$ and $12+13=25= 5^2$

$7^2+ 24^2= 25^2$ and $24+25=49= 7^2$

$7^2+ 24^2= 25^2$ and $24+25=49= 7^2$

$33^2+ 56^2= 65^2$ and $56+65=121= 11^2$

$65^2+ 72^2= 97^2 $ and $72+97=169= 13^2$

$19^2+ 180^2= 181^2 $ and $180+181=361= 19^2$

I noticed this, can anyone prove it ?

Assuming that $A$, $B$ and $C$ are positive, it follows from the conditions that $$A^2=C^2-B^2=(C+B)(C-B).$$ The two factors on the right hand side are coprime, because $A$, $B$ and $C$ have no common factor and $A$ is odd. It follows that both factors are perfect squares because $B$ and $C$ are positive.