New posts in recursive-algorithms

Numerical method for finding the square-root.

Using Horner's Method

Worst case analysis of MAX-HEAPIFY procedure .

Recursion tree T(n) = T(n/3) + T(2n/3) + cn

How to tell if a particular number will survive in this sieve?

Solving recurrence $T(n) = T(\lceil n/2 \rceil) + T(\lfloor n/2 \rfloor) + \Theta(n)$

is there a faster method to calculate $1/x$ ($x$ an integer) than this?

A 3rd grade math problem: fill in blanks with numbers to obtain a valid equation

Computing sums of divisors in $O(\sqrt n)$ time?

Solving recurrences with boundary conditions

Proof of clockwise towers of Hanoi variant recursive solution

What are the solutions for $a(n)$ and $b(n)$ when $a(n+1)=a(n)b(n)$ and $b(n+1)=a(n)+b(n)$?

Algorithm to calculate rating based on multiple reviews (using both review score and quantity)

How can $n \lg n = O(n^{log_3 4 - r})$?

Finding the asymptotic behavior of the recurrence $T(n)=4T(\frac{n}{2})+n^2$ by using substitution method

What is the link between the quotient and the Bézout coefficients in the Extended Euclidean Algorithm?

Solve recurrence relation $T(n-2)+2n$

Any advantages of using Gödel universal functions in proving unsolvability?

Recurrence telescoping $T(n) = T(n-1) + 1/n$ and $T(n) = T(n-1) + \log n$

Could someone tell me how large this number is?